With a basal mash consisting of yellow maize and wheat by-products, 10 per cent, of meatmeal was as satisfactory as 15 or 20 per cent, during the period from 9 weeks to maturity. Age at sexual maturity and subsequent egg yield were unaffected by the different amounts used, but size of egg was directly dependent on the level of meatmeal.
On all three rations there was a high mortality, but it was much higher in the group receiving 10 per cent, than in those on higher levels. This was largely accounted for by the prevalence of prolapse on the low level of meatmeal. Here there were 22 cases of prolapse compared with 13 and 3 in groups receiving 15 and 20 per cent, meatmeal. respectively. Prolapse was frequently followed by cannibalism. The occurrence of this disorder did not appear to be influenced by egg size, egg yield, or age at sexual maturity.