Attempting a first translation of the Septuagint psalms into Afrikaans : problems and challenges

Show simple item record Steyn, Gert Jacobus 2008-05-22T13:27:38Z 2008-05-22T13:27:38Z 2007-09
dc.description.abstract Gedurende Oktober 2004 is 'n vertalingsprojek begin met 'n klein groepie senior studente ten einde die Septuaginta (LXX) psalms vir die eerste keer in Afrikaans te vertaal. Die belang van die LXX vir die Christendom kan nie onderskat word nie. Hierdie is 'n poging om mense bewus te maak van dié eerste belangrike vertaling van die Joodse Skrifte op die Afrika-kontinent, sodat toegang daartoe in die spreektaal verkry kon word. Voorts is dit ook 'n poging om by te dra tot die belang van die psalms as 'n versameling himnes en gebede wat van waarde is vir die liturgie en die bediening van die kerk. 'n Aantal beduidende probleme het egter tydens die vertalingsproses na vore getree, waaronder die feit dat (a) geen bevredigende krities-eklektiese uitgawe van die LXX psalms tans bestaan nie; (b) die LXX alreeds 'n vertaling van die Hebreeus is; (c) woorde verskillende betekenisse in Afrikaans het vir verskillende lede in die groep; (d) aangesien dit poëtiese taal is, tot watter mate sou 'n letterlike of 'n dinamiese vertaling meer gepas wees?; (e) gegewe die pas van die vertaling en die omvang van die projek, gaan dit 'n klompie jare neem om te voltooi; en (f) bestaande Griekse woordeboeke en grammatikas fokus hoofsaaklik op die Nuwe Testament - nie op die LXX nie. Hierdie probleme word bespreek aan die hand van praktiese voorbeelde wat in Psalms 1-3 raakgeloop is. ENGLISH: A translation project was started during October 2004 with a small number of senior students in order to translate the Septuagint (LXX) psalms into Afrikaans for the first time. The importance of the LXX for Christianity cannot be overestimated and this is an attempt to make people aware of this important first translation of the Jewish Scriptures on the African continent, to give people access to it in a translation in their mother tongue, and to contribute to the importance of the psalms as a collection of hymns and prayers that is of value for the liturgy and the ministry of the church. However, a number of significant problems were encountered, among them the fact that (a) no satisfactory Greek critical text edition of the LXX psalms exists currently; (b) the LXX is already a translation from the Hebrew; (c) words have different connotations and meanings in the receptor language (Afrikaans) for different members in the group; (d) being poetic language, to what extent would a literal or a dynamic translation be more appropriate?; (e) given the pace of translation and the extent of the project, it will take quite a number of years to complete; and (f) existing dictionaries and grammars are mainly focused on the New Testament - not on the LXX. These problems are discussed by means of practical examples encountered in Psalms 1-3. en
dc.format.extent 296785 bytes
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.identifier.citation Steyn, GJ 2007, 'Attempting a first translation of the Septuagint psalms into Afrikaans : problems and challenges', In die Skriflig, vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 457-478. [] en
dc.identifier.issn 1018-6441
dc.language.iso en en
dc.publisher Bureau for Scholarly Journals en
dc.rights Bureau for Scholarly Journals en
dc.subject Septuagint en
dc.subject Psalms en
dc.subject.lcsh Bible -- O.T. -- Psalms -- Greek -- Versions -- Septuagint -- Translations into Afrikaans en
dc.title Attempting a first translation of the Septuagint psalms into Afrikaans : problems and challenges en
dc.title.alternative Poging tot 'n eerste vertaling van die Septuaginta psalms in Afrikaans : probleme en uitdagings afr
dc.type Article en

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