The purpose of this study is to find a solution to a weak sense of unity and a weak
ecclesiology in the Presbyterian Church in Korea (PCK) which is in serious disunity,
divided into more than 200 denominations. This research has attempted to assess
the unity and catholicity of the PCK using a Reformed criteria shaped through
doctrinal affirmation on the basis of the exegesis of Ephesians, and the review of the
two ecumenical creeds, the WCF and Calvin s ecumenicity in his Institutes and
ecumenical efforts.
For the historical investigation of the disunity and ecumenical efforts in the PCK, the
three main schisms were examined, and the three leading pastors views on unity
were analysed and assessed. Assessment of disunity in the PCK indicated three
factors that obstruct the unity of the PCK: weak recognition of the Reformed view on
unity, immaturity and secularisation of the PCK.
The ecclesiology in relation to the unity of the PCK was analysed and assessed in its