This study examines the integration of yoga into the elementary classroom routine to assist teachers with creating a positive classroom climate conducive to learning, and to aid learners with focused concentration. The aim of the research was to understand not only how yoga could be incorporated, but also why it had not previously been incorporated. Past research has repeatedly shown the benefits of yoga to students and learning, and it therefore seems logical for yoga to be integrated into the classroom. By understanding the barriers which exist to the incorporation of yoga into the classroom, one can better understand ways of overcoming these barriers and of effectively introducing yoga into the school environment. This study was conducted from an interpretivist paradigm. A case study design was used to conduct this research because case studies clearly seek to illustrate a phenomenon which, in this case, is the phenomenon of yoga techniques in the classroom. The research was conducted in two separate phases, with the first phase guiding the data collection for the second phase. Once the data was collected, it was analysed by using thematic analysis. From this analysis several themes emerged. The data collected and analysed from phase 1 produced the following themes: positive feelings, improved focus and concentration, and changes in student behaviour. The data collected and analysed from phase 2 produced the following themes: religious concerns, lack of understanding, time constraints, and education is needed.