Customer service has become the prominent differentiator for companies around
the world as it is the integral reason for success or failure of a firm. The
globalisation of products and services has led companies to realise the importance
of providing customers with exceptional service. Customers have more buying
power than ever before as they are more informed and have global access to any
company hence companies have to find methods to remain competitive.
This report addresses the shortcomings of the South African Post Office with
regards to providing remarkable customer service. Customer service has become a
major problem in the recent years at SAPO as they are failing to satisfy customer
needs and requirements. The 2014 annual report indicates the loss of customers
which contributed to lower revenues.
To begin with an extensive literature study is presented wherein relevant customer
service enhancement frameworks are highlighted and discussed. Based upon the
insight gained during this phase the Enhanced Customer Experience Framework is
selected for the improvement of customer service within the post office. The
framework aims to improve customer experience by aligning key internal business
processes with customer requirements.
The Enhanced Customer Experience Framework is adapted and applied within the
postal service environment. The framework has seven distinct stages which utilise
industrial techniques to achieve the specified outcome. Each stage is explained,
elaborated and applied with the associated outcomes discussed.
Specific improvement initiatives are identified and modelled through simulation
modelling to gain a visual perspective on the outcomes if each initiative is
implemented. The improvement initiatives are then analysed through Analytical
Hierarchy Process and thereafter ranked accordingly.
The proposed outcomes of the framework aim to help the South African Post Office
better understand their customers needs whilst advising on how to align business
processes with customer requirements. Not only should SAPO benefit from this
study, but this model can be adapted to suit other organisations striving to
improve customer service.