Identifying the "demon whale-biter" : patterns of scarring on large whales attributed to a cookie-cutter shark Isistius sp

Show simple item record Best, Peter B. Photopoulou, Theoni 2016-06-01T08:25:10Z 2016-06-01T08:25:10Z 2016-04-07
dc.description S1 Code. Code for fitting GAMs to total number of unhealed bitemarks. en_ZA
dc.description S1 Dataset. Minimal dataset. en_ZA
dc.description S1 Fig. Scoop of blubber found in the stomach of a sperm whale at Donkergat whaling station, 2 September 1963 (platform # 1066), showing: A—dorsal, B—lateral, and C—ventral views (scale in cm). en_ZA
dc.description S1 Table. Average numbers of unhealed bites on 226 mature sei whales of different reproductive classes examined at the Donkergat whaling station, South Africa, September/October 1963, with results of Tukey HSD Test. en_ZA
dc.description S1 Text. A review of the identity of the biting agent: evidence for and against Isistius as the biting agent. Including a comparison of wounds made by I. brasiliensis and I. plutodus, the biting technique of Isistius and a case study of a “reverse scoop” found in a sperm whale stomach and a review of other potential biting agents. en_ZA
dc.description S2 Code. Code for fitting GAMs to the proportion of unhealed bitemarks that were recent. en_ZA
dc.description S2 Table. Location of unhealed bitemarks on 169 sperm whales examined at the Donkergat whaling station, South Africa, 1963. en_ZA
dc.description S2 Text. Interpretation of missing records. en_ZA
dc.description S3 Table. Location of unhealed incomplete bites on whales examined at the Donkergat whaling station, South Africa, 1963. en_ZA
dc.description S3 Text. Account of an outlying observation of a sperm whale with a large number of unhealed bitemarks. en_ZA
dc.description S4 Table. Incidence of recent bites on large whales landed at the Donkergat whaling station, South Africa, 1963, and mean number of bites per whale bitten, by depth interval. en_ZA
dc.description.abstract The presence of crater-like wounds on cetaceans and other large marine vertebrates and invertebrates has been attributed to various organisms. We review the evidence for the identity of the biting agent responsible for crater wounds on large whales, using data collected from sei (Balaenoptera borealis), fin (B. physalus), inshore and offshore Bryde’s (B. brydeii sp) and sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) examined at the Donkergat whaling station, Saldanha Bay, South Africa between March and October 1963. We then analyse the intensity and trends in its predation on large whales. Despite the scarcity of local records, we conclude that a cookie-cutter shark Isistius sp is the most likely candidate. We make inferences about the trends in (1) total counts of unhealed bitemarks, and (2) the proportion of unhealed bitemarks that were recent. We use day of the year; reproductive class, social grouping or sex; depth interval and body length as candidate covariates. The models with highest support for total counts of unhealed bitemarks involve the day of the year in all species. Depth was an important predictor in all species except offshore Bryde’s whales. Models for the proportion of recent bites were only informative for sei and fin whales. We conclude that temporal scarring patterns support what is currently hypothesized about the distribution and movements of these whale species, given that Isistius does not occur in the Antarctic and has an oceanic habitat. The incidence of fresh bites confirms the presence of Isistius in the region. The lower numbers of unhealed bites on medium-sized sperm whales suggests that this group spends more time outside the area in which bites are incurred, providing a clue to one of the biggest gaps in our understanding of the movements of mature and maturing sperm males. en_ZA
dc.description.department Mammal Research Institute en_ZA
dc.description.department Zoology and Entomology en_ZA
dc.description.librarian am2016 en_ZA
dc.description.uri en_ZA
dc.identifier.citation Best PB, Photopoulou T (2016) Identifying the “demon whale-biter”: Patterns of scarring on large whales attributed to a cookie-cutter shark Isistius sp. PLoS ONE 11(4): e0152643. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0152643. en_ZA
dc.identifier.issn 1932-6203
dc.identifier.other 10.1371/journal.pone.0152643
dc.identifier.other 10.5281/zenodo.48225
dc.language.iso en en_ZA
dc.publisher Public Library of Science en_ZA
dc.rights © 2016 Best, Photopoulou. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. en_ZA
dc.subject Biting agent en_ZA
dc.subject Crater wounds en_ZA
dc.subject Whales en_ZA
dc.subject South Africa (SA) en_ZA
dc.title Identifying the "demon whale-biter" : patterns of scarring on large whales attributed to a cookie-cutter shark Isistius sp en_ZA
dc.type Article en_ZA

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