S1 Code. Code for fitting GAMs to total number of unhealed bitemarks.
S1 Dataset. Minimal dataset.
S1 Fig. Scoop of blubber found in the stomach of a sperm whale at Donkergat whaling station,
2 September 1963 (platform # 1066), showing: A—dorsal, B—lateral, and C—ventral
views (scale in cm).
S1 Table. Average numbers of unhealed bites on 226 mature sei whales of different reproductive
classes examined at the Donkergat whaling station, South Africa, September/October
1963, with results of Tukey HSD Test.
S1 Text. A review of the identity of the biting agent: evidence for and against Isistius as the
biting agent. Including a comparison of wounds made by I. brasiliensis and I. plutodus, the biting
technique of Isistius and a case study of a “reverse scoop” found in a sperm whale stomach
and a review of other potential biting agents.
S2 Code. Code for fitting GAMs to the proportion of unhealed bitemarks that were recent.
S2 Table. Location of unhealed bitemarks on 169 sperm whales examined at the Donkergat
whaling station, South Africa, 1963.
S2 Text. Interpretation of missing records.
S3 Table. Location of unhealed incomplete bites on whales examined at the Donkergat
whaling station, South Africa, 1963.
S3 Text. Account of an outlying observation of a sperm whale with a large number of
unhealed bitemarks.
S4 Table. Incidence of recent bites on large whales landed at the Donkergat whaling station,
South Africa, 1963, and mean number of bites per whale bitten, by depth interval.