Intuition is a construct that has resulted in much debate over the years. The present study attempts to enhance the study of intuition as well as micro-expression recognition by delving into feminine intuition and females’ ability to identify the micro-expression of anger in males. The study compared females’ psychophysiological responses to superimposed images of malicious males and superimposed images of non-malicious males. The study was conducted using a mixed methods design in that both quantitative and qualitative data were collected. The quantitative analysis was conducted on 22 participants of whom five were used in the qualitative analysis. Both physiological (heart rate, heart rate variability, breathing rate and estimated core temperature) and psychological (psychological interview and eye tracking data) were obtained for the study. The results of the study indicate that while females are able to identify the micro-expression of anger in males, they only respond psychologically and not physiologically to this expression.