Systems with extended availability and switchover delays

Show simple item record Yadavalli, Venkata S. Sarma Hameed, M.A. Shahul Prathaban, L. Thaga, K. 2008-05-13T08:44:52Z 2008-05-13T08:44:52Z 2007-11
dc.description.abstract A system with extended availability and switchover delays with a single repair facility is considered, with a random extended available period having a switching delay from online failure to the repair of the facility. Identifying suitable regeneration points, several operating characteristics, such as the moment generating function of the total uptime, mean, and mean square number of various events, are obtained, apart from reliability and availability functions. en
dc.description.abstract 'n Stelsel met verlengde beskikbaarheid, oorskakelvertraging met 'n enkele herstelfasiliteit en 'n toevalverlengde beskikbaarheidsperiode met oorskakeling vanaf intydse mislukking tot herstel, word behandel. Deur geskikte regenerasiepunte te identifiseer, kan verskeie bedryfseienskappe (benewens betroubaarheid en beskikbaarheid) soos 'n momentgenerende funksie vir totale beskikbare tyd, gemiddelde en gemiddelde kwadraatwaardes vir verskeie gebeurtenisse, bepaal word.
dc.format.extent 176426 bytes
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.identifier.citation Yadavalli, VSS, Hameed, MA Shahul, Prathaban, L & Thaga, K 2007, 'Systems with extended availability and switchover delays', South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 71-92. [] en
dc.identifier.issn 1012-277X
dc.language.iso en en
dc.publisher Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering en
dc.rights Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering en
dc.subject Switchover delays en
dc.subject Regeneration points en
dc.subject Systems reliability functions en
dc.subject Systems availability functions en
dc.subject.lcsh System failures (Engineering)
dc.subject.lcsh Systems engineering -- Computer programs
dc.title Systems with extended availability and switchover delays en
dc.type Article en

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