Interior as well as exterior views of the Old Nederlandsche Bank Building of 1898 in the south west quadrant of Church Square, Pretoria, South Africa, by WJ de Zwaan, private architect of Dutch origin, done in the Flemish ...
Four views - three exterior, one interior - of the Opera House on the north side of Pretorius Street, Pretoria, between Andries (Thabo Sehume) and Paul Kruger Streets.
A. First railway station building -- B. Arrival of the first train (NZASM) at Pretoria on January 1, 1893 -- C. New railway station building, designed by Sir Herbert Baker, shortly after completion, ca. 1912 -- D. and E. ...
Various clippings consisting of text and illustrations depicting development of the city block in central Pretoria eventually named Sammy Marks Square and bordered by Lilan Ngoyi, Helen Joseph, Sisulu and Madiba Streets. ...