The tongue, pharynx, oesophagus and gums are examined for larvae of Gasterophilus spp., and the nose and sinuses for oestrid larvae. The gastro-intestinal tract is divided into separate specimens- stomach, small intestine, caecum, ventral colon, dorsal colon, descending colon and rectum and each is examined separately. Aliquots of ingesta of 1/4 by mass of the stomach and 1/10 by mass of the small intestine, caecum, ventral colon and dorsal colon are collected for microscopic examination.
Each part of the wall of the caecum, ventral and dorsal colon is washed and specimens are collected for subsequent examination. The gut wall of the caecum and colon is examined macroscopically for larval stages. Ingesta in the descending colon are examined macroscopically for Gasterophilus larvae.