The text form of LXX Genesis 28:12 by Philo of Alexandria and in the Jesus-Logion of John 1:5

Show simple item record Steyn, Gert Jacobus 2016-03-09T10:20:27Z 2016-03-09T10:20:27Z 2015-08
dc.description.abstract Most studies on the explicit quotations in the New Testament in the past mainly occupied themselves with their application and reinterpretation within their new contexts. Recent research on the Antiochene text (formerly Proto-Theodotion), combined with an upsurge in text critical investigations – with the aim to establish the similarities and differences amongst existing LXX witnesses in the quest for the LXX text form at the author’s time of writing – begs for new investigations into the Vorlage and nature of the quotations in Philo of Alexandria and the New Testament. Being part of a broader project, and given the scope of this investigation, this article intends to investigate the only case in John’s Gospel where the same Torah quotation also occur in Philo, namely that of Genesis 28:12 in John 1:51. This case is well attested in the Corpus Philonicum, where it is quoted three times – the first time as a long and extensive quotation (Somn. 1.3), and thereafter in two shorter quotations (Somn. 1.133; 2.19). The article attempts to investigate the text forms of Genesis 28:12, in comparison to those of Philo and John, in order to determine whether there are traces of a possible common Vorlage of the Old Greek Version (OGV) between these two authors. en_ZA
dc.description.abstract Die teksvorm van LXX Genesis 28:12 deur Filo van Aleksandrië en die Jesus-Logion van Johannes 1:51. Die meeste studies wat oor die eksplisiete sitate in die Nuwe Testament handel, het in die verlede veral op die toepassing en die herinterpretasie van hierdie sitate binne hulle nuwe kontekste gefokus. Die primêre fokus het egter intussen verskuif, sodat die huidige navorsing eerder poog om die ooreenkomste en verskille tussen bestaande Septuagint (LXX-) teksgetuies vas te stel in ’n soeke na die onderliggende LXX-teksvorm (Vorlage) waarop ’n bepaalde Nuwe-Testamentiese skrywer sy aanhaling sou baseer het. Dit is veral waarneembaar in studies aangaande die Antiogeense teks (vroeër bekend as Proto-Theodotion), asook in die oplewing van tekskritiese studies. Hierdie ontwikkelings vereis nuwe ondersoeke na die Vorlage en die aard van die aanhalings wat in sowel Filo as in die Nuwe Testament voorkom. Die ondersoek wat hier aangebied word, vorm deel van ’n groter projek en analiseer die enigste geval in die Evangelie volgens Johannes waar dieselfde Tora-aanhaling ook by Filo te vind is, naamlik Genesis 28:12 in Johannes 1:51. Die aanhaling kom driekeer by Filo voor – in Somn. 1.3 as ’n lang en uitgebreide sitaat en daarna in twee verkorte vorms in Somn. 1.133 en 2.19. Hierdie artikel poog om die teksvorms van Genesis 28:12 te ondersoek – in vergelyking met sowel Filo en Johannes – ten einde vas te stel of daar enige moontlike aanduidings van ’n gemeenskaplike LXX-Vorlage van die Ou Griekse Vertaling (OGV) tussen albei outeurs is. en_ZA
dc.description.librarian hb2015 en_ZA
dc.description.uri en_ZA
dc.identifier.citation Steyn, G.J., 2015, ‘The text form of LXX Genesis 28:12 by Philo of Alexandria and in the Jesus-Logion of John 1:51’, In die Skriflig 49(2), Art. #1945, 7 pages. en_ZA
dc.identifier.issn 1609-9982 (print)
dc.identifier.issn 2074-7705 (online)
dc.identifier.other 10.4102/ids.v49i2.1945
dc.language.iso en en_ZA
dc.publisher AOSIS OpenJournals en_ZA
dc.rights © 2015. The Authors. Licensee: AOSIS OpenJournals. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License. en_ZA
dc.subject New Testament en_ZA
dc.subject Philo of Alexandria en_ZA
dc.subject Jesus-Logion en_ZA
dc.subject LXX Genesis 28:12 in John 1:51 en_ZA
dc.subject Torah quotations en_ZA
dc.subject.other Theology articles SDG-04
dc.subject.other SDG-04: Quality education
dc.title The text form of LXX Genesis 28:12 by Philo of Alexandria and in the Jesus-Logion of John 1:5 en_ZA
dc.title.alternative Teksvorm van LXX Genesis 28:12 deur Filo van Aleksandrië en die Jesus-Logion van Johannes 1:51 en_ZA
dc.type Article en_ZA

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