The length of the antibiotic withdrawal period after intramammary treatment was influenced by the
milk yield of dairy goats during this trial. Shorter withdrawal periods were seen in relatively high yielding
dairy goats (production above 1.5 l per day) compared to low producers (less than 1.3 l per
High yielding goats treated with Curaclox LC (Norbrook [Pharmacia AH]) had a withdrawal period of
42 h, while low yielding goats, treated with the same product, had a withdrawal period of 74 h. The
recommended withdrawal period for Curaclox LC for use in cattle is 72 h. Relatively high yielding
goats treated with Rilexine 200 LC (Logos Agvet [Virbac]) had a significantly shorter withdrawal period
(37 h) than that recommended for use in cattle (96 h). Low yielding goats treated with Spectrazol
Milking Cow (Schering-Plough Animal Health) had a significantly longer (95 h) withdrawal period than
that recommended for use in cattle (60 h).