The interconnectedness of the constructs ‘whole brain® thinking’ and ‘multiple
intelligence’ forms the epicentre of this article. We depart from the premise that when
whole brain® thinking is activated multiple intelligence can be nourished. When this
becomes evident in a higher education practice it can be claimed that such a practice is
innovative. Whole brain® thinking that informs intelligence and vice versa is inevitable
when it comes to facilitating learning with a view to promoting quality learning in the
context of higher education. If higher education is concerned about the expectations of
industry and the world of work there is no other option as to prepare students in such a
way that they develo as holistic – whole brained and intelligent – employers, employees
and entrepreneurs who take responsibility for maximising their full potential. Becoming
a self-regulated professional and being reflexive are some of the attributes of the 21st
century which should be cultivated in all students. Research on whole brain® thinking
and multiple intelligence shows that these human attributes form an integral part of one’s
interaction with life – one’s environment and especially people as integral part of the
environment. This focus on people highlights the need for developing soft skills within
every curriculum. The epistemological underpinning of our reporting of experience in
practice and research of the application of the principals of the constructs is metareflective
in nature. Instead of a typical traditional stance to research we do not report on
the numerous sets of data obtained over a period of more than 15 years. Our approach is
that of a meta-reflective narrative as most of the studies we were involved in and still are, are reflective as it is most often than not action research-driven. And action research is a
reflective process. We report on evidence-based practice that includes fields of
specialisation such as health sciences, engineering, academic staff development, financial
sciences, teacher education and higher education. Important aspects of any higher
education practice, such as curriculum development, facilitating of learning and
assessment are addressed. Practice-based evidence of each, where applicable, is offered as
claims of innovation.