Phases and steps in the access to data in information tools

Show simple item record Bergenholtz, Henning Bothma, T.J.D. (Theodorus Jan Daniel) Gouws, Rufus H. 2015-12-03T11:37:38Z 2015-12-03T11:37:38Z 2015
dc.description.abstract In the information society, it is much easier for someone to find relevant data if s/he has an information need because of the availability of databases and electronic information tools. In information science this topic is usually treated under the topic information behaviour. In lexicogra-phy the term access process is used (Bergenholtz and Gouws 2010). It can be shown that this process beginning with the "origin of the problem" leading to an "information source usage situation" con-tains different parts, and that each part contains different phases, with the pre-consultation phase and the intra-consultant phase containing different steps. The most important concepts here are the access route and the access time. In this paper some experiments in two case studies are described to show how different access processes in different user situations take place. en_ZA
dc.description.abstract In die inligtingsgemeenskap is dit baie makliker vir iemand om relevante data te kry as hy/sy 'n inligtingsbehoefte het omdat databasisse en elektroniese inligtingswerktuie beskikbaar is. In die inligtingswetenskap word hierdie onderwerp gewoonlik behandel onder die onderwerp inligtings-gedrag. In die leksikografie word die term toegangsproses gebruik (Bergenholtz en Gouws 2010). Dit kan aangetoon word dat hierdie proses wat begin met die "oorsprong van die probleem" en lei na 'n inligtingsbrongebruiksituasie uit verskillende dele bestaan en dat elke deel verskillende fases bevat met die prekonsultasiefase en die intrakonsultasiefase wat verskillende stappe bevat. Die belangrikste begrippe hier is die toegangsroete en die toegangstyd. In hierdie artikel word enkele eksperimente in twee gevallestudies beskryf om te wys hoe verskillende toegangsprosesse in ver-skillende gebruiksituasies plaasvind. en_ZA
dc.description.librarian am2015 en_ZA
dc.description.uri en_ZA
dc.description.uri en_ZA
dc.identifier.citation Bergenholtz, H, Bothma, TJD & Gouws, RH 2015, 'Phases and steps in the access to data in information tools', Lexikos, vol. 25, pp. 1-30. en_ZA
dc.identifier.issn 1684-4904 (print)
dc.identifier.issn 2224-0039 (online)
dc.language.iso en en_ZA
dc.publisher Buro van die WAT en_ZA
dc.rights Buro van die WAT en_ZA
dc.subject Access to data en_ZA
dc.subject Cognitive en_ZA
dc.subject Communicative en_ZA
dc.subject Information source selection en_ZA
dc.subject Information tool en_ZA
dc.subject Interpretative en_ZA
dc.subject Intra-consultation phase en_ZA
dc.subject Meta-reflections en_ZA
dc.subject Operative en_ZA
dc.subject Post-consultation phase en_ZA
dc.subject Pre-consultation phase en_ZA
dc.subject Inligtingbronkeuse en_ZA
dc.subject Inligtingswerktuig en_ZA
dc.subject Interpretatiewe en_ZA
dc.subject Intrakonsultasiefase en_ZA
dc.subject Kognitiewe en_ZA
dc.subject Kommunikatiewe en_ZA
dc.subject Metarefleksies en_ZA
dc.subject Operatiewe en_ZA
dc.subject Prekonsultasiefase en_ZA
dc.subject Toegang tot data en_ZA
dc.title Phases and steps in the access to data in information tools en_ZA
dc.title.alternative Fases en stappe in die toegang tot data in inligtingswerktuie en_ZA
dc.type Article en_ZA

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