This study attempts to document my emerging choreographic signature through a qualitative,
practice-based autoethnographic approach. It describes and examines three of my
choreographic works One-way (2010), As night falls (2011) and Chasing (2012) to highlight
traces, core images, themes and commonalities in my choreographic processes that provide
markers for identifying signature trends in my choreography. As such, this is not a study in
choreography per se. The study draws on the theoretical premises of embodied narratives to
frame my signature. The study is located in the domain of physical theatre. The study
identifies tropes of physical theatre and trends of embodied narratives in order to apply these
as analytical tools to my choreographic works in order to define my emerging choreographic
signature. Through this self-reflection, I will retrospectively articulate the artistic modes and
choreographic preferences my work surfaces by identifying the points of convergence
amongst the key choreographic signature trends.