Blessing O. Boloje is a
postdoctoral fellow at the
Department of Old Testament
Studies, Faculty of Theology,
University of Pretoria, with
Prof. Dr A. Groenewald as
research leader. His current
research project is an
extension of the primary
aims and objectives of his
doctoral thesis (‘Malachi’s
view on temple rituals and its
ethical implications’).
The article is based on research conducted by B.O.B.
(University of Pretoria) for his postdoctoral fellowship at the
Department of Old Testament Studies. His current research
project, which is an extension of the primary aims and
objectives of his doctoral thesis (‘Malachi’s view on temple
rituals and its ethical implications’), is an examination of
Malachi’s distinctive claims that guarantees a well-ordered
community, namely the validity and feasibility of a Torahcompliant
community. A.G. (University of Pretoria), coauthor
of the article, acted as the research leader.