This article argues that possible connections between Ps 23 and
Proverbs have been overlooked to a large extent. It is well-known
that the author of the psalm has appropriated the image of Yahweh
as a shepherd of his people (used in connection with the exodus and
also at the return from exile) and applied it to his personal relationship
with Yahweh. But the psalm also describes the life of the individual
worshipper as a journey and this metaphor seems to have
important connections with Proverbs and wisdom psalms. It is
argued that the expression “tracks of righteousness” possibly displays
a direct link to Prov 2:9 and 4:11 and that this could imply
that the author of Ps 23 fused the metaphor of Yahweh as a shepherd
(and as a host) with that of Yahweh as a guide on the road of
life so that the suppliant is portrayed as a righteous person.