S1 Fig. Age models for baobab trees. (A) The ages assigned to isotope samples from core samples
taken from baobab trees were determined from linear interpolations of core length (xaxis)
with AMS radiocarbon dates. The 1-sigma radiocarbon error ranges are portrayed as vertical
lines or as crosses (for bomb-carbon dates). (B) For trees that yielded ring structures the
ring count (x-axis) matched the 1-simga AMS radiocarbon ages (vertical lines or crosses) with
a 1:1 except where a buttress forms in one of the trees.
S2 Fig. The baobab isotope record and rainfall. Instrumental rainfall from the Pafuri station
(orange, left axis) and the CRU3.20 rainfall for the region (red, left axis) cannot be correlated
with the baobab δ13C record (blue, right axis) because of systemic errors in the age model.
S3 Fig. Comparison of ENSO proxy datasets. The ENSO proxy datasets of Li et al. [50] (dark
blue), Cook et al. [51] (red), Stahle and Cleavland [52] (pale bue) and Braganza et al. [53] (purple)
are coherent with the Niño3.4 index (http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/data/indices/sstoi.
indices) (black). Only a 150-year section of the record is portrayed for clarity. Note that the indices
of Briganza et al. and Stahle et al. are plotted on the inverted right axis because of the
manner in which they are formulated.
S4 Fig. Oceanic sea-surface temperature trends. SST reconstructions for the Makassar Stait
of Oppo et al. [64] (black, left axis) and Newton et al. [65] (blue, left axis) match the timing and
relative temperature changes that took place in the Agulhas Current core region [55, 56] (red,
right axis). The Ifaty record is shown along with the biweight mean value.
S1 Table. Correlation of baobab δ13C with environmental parameters.