1. "Laked" and "unlaked" blood filtrates of 23 sheep of various ages were analysed.
2. The blood analyses were done over a period of 15 months in the case of 20 sheep, and 11 months in the case of 3 lambs. The same animals have always been used during the stated period.
3. Determinations of all the groups have been made for haemoglobin, total nitrogen, urea nitrogen, "total" creatinine nitrogen, uric acid nitrogen and amino-acid nitrogen in the two blood filtrates respectively.
4. The normal range and the average of each constituent, together with the average difference %, etc., of all the groups are given.
5. Graphs of two groups (A and B) of the 5 groups illustrate the averages of all the constituents (except Hb, and T .N.) of the blood over the stated periods; and other graphs the nitrogen containing substances (except T.N.) expressed as per cent. of the N.P.N.
6. Comparisons of the results with those of other workers are included.