Faculty Day, Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Pretoria, 28 September 2006 : programme and summaries

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dc.contributor.author University of Pretoria. Faculty of Veterinary Science
dc.contributor.editor Meintjes, R.A.
dc.contributor.editor Van Der Merwe, L.
dc.contributor.editor Venter, Estelle Hildegard
dc.contributor.editor Crafford, Jan Ernst
dc.date.accessioned 2015-07-16T07:38:01Z
dc.date.available 2015-07-16T07:38:01Z
dc.date.created 2015
dc.date.issued 2006
dc.description The material has been scanned in colour with a HP Scanjet 5590; 600dpi. Adobe Acrobat XI Pro was used to OCR the text and also for the merging and conversion to the final presentation PDF-format. en
dc.description.abstract Oral presentations: Sir Arnold Theiler Memorial Lecture "The global poverty reduction agenda: What are the implications for animal health research and development?" / Dr B D Perry -- Endocrine predictors of mortality in canine babesiosis / J P Schoeman, M E Herrtage -- The correlations of clinical and historical data with venous Babesia canis rossi parasitaemias and outcome of infection / M Bohm, A L Leisewitz, P N Thompson, JP Schoeman -- Oxyglobin® and packed red cell transfusions provide similar blood gas, acid base, haemodynamic and subjective benefits in a canine Babesia canis rossi model of anaemia / A B Zambelli, A L Leisewitz, J P Schoeman -- The haematological kinetics of canine babesiosis / E Scheepers, A L Leisewitz, M M Christopher, P Thompson -- Low serum thyroxine concentrations correlate with mortality in canine critical illness / J P Schoeman, A Goddard, M E Herrtage -- Epidemiological studies on gammaherpesviruses in goats and sheep causing malignant catarrhal fever / M Stokstad, A M Bosman, M van Vuuren -- Molecular phylogenetic analysis and vector identification of a Hepatozoon organism infecting Nile crocodiles / D P Gomersall, N J Smit, M C Oosthuizen, B L Penzhorn -- The incidence and economic significance of persistently infected feedlot cattle with bovine viral diarrhoea virus / T Meiring, L Prozesky, E de Preez, S J Clift -- An outbreak of Dermatosparaxis in a commercial Drakensberger cattle herd in South Africa / D E Holm, Evan Wilpe, C Harper -- Active neosporosis with intestinal presence of suspected unsporulated oocysts in an 11-month old Labrador Retriever bitch despite prolonged treatment on 3 different recommended antibacterials / J H Williams, E van Dyk, M Bohm, E Van Wilpe, S Prinsloo -- Exercise-induced pulmonary haemorrhage in South African Thoroughbred racehorses / M N Saulez, A J Guthrie, K W Hinchcliff, P S Morley, D Macdonald -- Ultrasonographic determination of the relative kidney size in the dog / W M Wagner -- An analysis of clinicopathological data in the prediction of mortality in an equine neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) / M N Saulez, B Gummow, N M Slavis, T D Byars, M Frazer, K MacGillivray, F T Bain -- Urinary steroid analysis in the Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) / L C Bekker, J G Myburgh, J H Spies, C J Botha, L J Guillette, G E Swan -- Nutritional management of small-scale dairy farming systems in Central North West Province / P J Sebei, C M E McCrindle, L Prozesky, P Manzana -- Cellular tropism of Equine Encephalosis Virus / A D Pardini, S J Clift, M M E Smit, E van Wilpe, L Prozesky, A J Guthrie -- Habitat preferences and suppression of the tsetse flies, Glossina austeni and G brevipalpis, in South Africa / J R Esterhuizen, K Kappmeier Green, E Nevill, P van den Bossche -- Genetic diversity of South African Theileria parva isolates / K P Sibeko, N Collins, M Oosthuizen, D Geysen -- Sero-prevalence of toxoplasmosis in sheep in South Africa / N Abu Samra, C M E McCrindle, B L Penzhorn, B Cenci-Goga -- Software-based decision-support for sustainable management of haemonchosis in small ruminants / D P Reynecke, J A van Wyk -- A pilot study to compare the bioavailability of a long-acting and conventional flunixin meglumine injectable formulation in cattle / R J Peter, V Naidoo, L Bekker, G E Swan, C J Botha -- Diclofenac: A proposed mechanism of toxicity / V Naidoo, G E Swan -- Comparison of morphine and carprofen administered alone or in combination for postoperative analgesia in dogs undergoing ovariohysterectomy / T B Dzikiti, K E Joubert, L J Venter, L N Dzikiti -- Isolation of antioxidant compounds from Combretum apiculatum / D T Kgatle, M A Aderogba, J N Eloff -- Erythrophleum sawdust: toxic bedding for pigs / L J McGaw, J N Eloff, T W Naude, J Segales -- Activity of invasive weed plants against plant pathogenic fungi / M M Meela, L K Mdee, P Masako, J N Eloff. en_ZA
dc.description.abstract Poster presentations: The immunoperoxidase staining technique as a diagnostic tool / S J Clift, MS Smit, R M Phaswane -- Prognostication in canine parvoviral diarrhoea using basal serum cortisol concentrations / JP Schoeman, L J Venter, A Goddard, A L Leisewitz, ME Herriage -- Morphologic and molecular characterization of coccidia from the African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) / D H Lorom, MC Oosthuizen, B L Penzhorn -- Cardiovascular effects of lumbar epidural anaesthesia in isoflurane-anaesthetised pigs during surgical devascularisation of the liver / G F Stegmann -- Canine bladder trigone diverticulum / W M Wagner, B Meyers -- Distribution and structural features of Pacinian (Herbst) corpuscles in the non-glandular region of the palate of the ostrich (Struthio came/us) / C Tivane, J T Soley, H B Groenewald -- The arterial microvasculature of the distal ductus deferens, receptaculum ductus deferentis and phallus of the ostrich as revealed by India ink injection / M Z J Elias, T A Aire, J T Soley -- Morphological and immunohistochemical characterization of the testicular capsule and peritubular tissue of ratite birds / P C Ozegbe, T A Aire, M-C Madekurozwa, J T Soley -- The effect of rumen lesions caused by subclinical acidosis on growth in feedlot calves / P Thompson, A Hentzen, W Schultheiss -- The public health implications of farming cattle in areas with high background concentrations of vanadium / B Gummow, C J Botha, J P T M Noordhuizen, J A P Heesterbeek. en_ZA
dc.description.librarian vet ab2015
dc.format.extent 52 pages
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/2263/48970
dc.language.iso en en
dc.publisher Pretoria : University of Pretoria, Faculty of Veterinary Science
dc.relation.requires Adobe Acrobat en
dc.rights © University of Pretoria, Faculty of Veterinary Science (original). © University of Pretoria, Dept. of Library Services (digital). en
dc.subject Research communication en
dc.subject Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) en
dc.subject Bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) en
dc.subject Cattle -- Diseases en
dc.subject Dermatosparaxis en
dc.subject Thoroughbred horse en
dc.subject Horses -- Diseases en
dc.subject Dairy farming en
dc.subject Tsetse-flies en
dc.subject Theileria parva en
dc.subject Diclofenac en
dc.subject Race horses en_ZA
dc.subject.lcsh Veterinary medicine -- South Africa
dc.subject.lcsh Animal health research en
dc.subject.lcsh Babesiosis en
dc.subject.lcsh Dogs -- Diseases
dc.subject.lcsh Malignant catarrhal fever en
dc.subject.lcsh Sheep -- Diseases en
dc.subject.lcsh Goats -- Diseases en
dc.title Faculty Day, Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Pretoria, 28 September 2006 : programme and summaries en
dc.title.alternative Faculty Day 2006
dc.type Event en
dc.type Text

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