Knowledge management principles

Show simple item record Breedt, Marlize
dc.contributor.upauthor Janse van Rensburg, Antonie C. 2008-03-25T12:27:46Z 2008-03-25T12:27:46Z 2006-10-26 2008-03-25T12:27:46Z
dc.description 12 pages en
dc.description Also published as an article: Breedt, M & Van Rensburg, A 1999. 'Knowledge management principles', The South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, vol.10, no 1, pp 1-12. []
dc.description.abstract Business drivers such as digitisation, globalisation, customer intimacy and the emergence of the Information Age initiate the need to manage the organisation’s knowledge asset. Knowledge management aims at leveraging this explicit and tacit knowledge asset to the collective benefit of the organisation by developing an infrastructure to facilitate the knowledge process and by making information readily available. The implementation of such an initiative requires integration of the strategic, process, human resource, and technology architecture components as the company’s competitive advantage depends on the quality of the organisation’s knowledge asset and successful exploitation of it. en
dc.description.abstract Veranderingsdrywers soos digitalisasie, die wêreldwye-mark-ontwikkeling, kliënteverhoudings en die ontstaan van die inligtingsera inisieer die behoefte om die organisasie se kennishulpbron te bestuur. Kennisbestuur het ten doel om die eksplisiete en nie-eksplisiete kennishulpbron tot die gesamentlike voordeel van die organisasie aan te wend deur ‘n infrastruktuur daar te stel om die kennisproses te fasiliteer en inligting beskikbaar te stel. Die implementering van ‘n kennisbestuursinitiatief vereis die integrasie van die strategiese, proses-, menslikehulpbron-, en tegnologieargitektuurkomponente, omrede die kompeterende voordeel van die organisasie afhanklik is van die kwaliteit van die organisasie se kennishulpbron en die organisasie se vermoë om dit te effektief te benut.
dc.format.extent 173663 bytes
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.identifier.citation Breedt, M & Van Rensburg, ACJ 2006, 'Knowledge management principles', 12 p.
dc.language.iso en en
dc.rights University of Pretoria en
dc.subject Digitisation en
dc.subject Customer intimacy en
dc.subject Business drivers en
dc.subject Technology architecture components en
dc.subject Company’s competitive advantage en
dc.subject.lcsh Knowledge management
dc.subject.lcsh Intellectual capital
dc.subject.lcsh Competition
dc.title Knowledge management principles en
dc.type Text en

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