The series of five papers deal with blood levels in health and disease, in respect of total nitrogen, non-protein nitrogen, total creatinine, urea, uric acid, amino acids, sugar and haemoglobin. Protocols are numerous and of a nature which necessitates consultation in the original text, but the general trend of the data may be indicated.
The first paper deals with technique and the general plan of investigation. The second discusses the influence of pH on urease activity in the determination of blood urea. The third deals with changes in sheep's blood during the pre-infection period, the incubation period, the hyperthermic reaction and the convalescent period, of R. ruminantium infection and catarrhal fever. Considerable changes are recorded, varying with the severity of reactions. The fourth paper deals with 14 cases of horse-sickness. Alterations in nitrogen partition were not pronounced. The fifth paper records alterations in practically every constituent determined, in cases of A. marginale infection. Babesia bigemina infection showed increase in all nitrogenous fractions and in sugar, associated with the period of maximum erythrocyte destruction.