Separation of politics from the South African public service : rhetoric or reality?

Show simple item record Mafunisa, M.J. (Mutuwafhethu John) 2008-03-18T09:11:09Z 2008-03-18T09:11:09Z 2003-06
dc.description.abstract This paper addresses the question of whether senior public servants should be political or non-political when performing their duties. This debate has long been a central concern in the literature of United States of America from the beginning of public administration, and remains so to this day. It is also the case in South Africa, especially after the ANC assumed power in 1994. The ANC has deployed some of its members to key public service positions with a view of promoting loyalty and service delivery. This paper addresses this issue in the context of the politics-administration dichotomy. Models, which describe and analyse the relationship between politics and administration are identified. These models are dichotomy model/depoliticized bureaucracy, politicized bureaucracy model, model of complementarity, the British permanent model and the American hybrid model. This paper recognizes a need for “political appointments” (politicized bureaucracy) within the public service due to a threat, real or perceived, of political sabotage by disloyal incumbents of the previous dispensation. After a threat of political sabotage diminishes the government should then introduce the complementarity model, with more emphasis on the principle of merit, which is emphasized in the British permanent model and to a certain extent, the American hybrid model. State institutions supporting constitutional democracy should act independently against corrupt public functionaries who abuse “political appointments” for their own personal purposes. en
dc.format.extent 61118 bytes
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.identifier.citation Mafunisa, MJ 2003, 'Separation of politics from the South African public service: rhetoric or reality?', Journal of Public Administration, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 85-101. [] en
dc.identifier.issn 0036-0767
dc.language.iso en en
dc.publisher South African Association for Public Administration and Management en
dc.rights South African Association for Public Administration and Management en
dc.subject Senior public servants en
dc.subject Political office bearers en
dc.subject Dichotomy model en
dc.subject Depoliticized bureaucracy en
dc.subject British permanent model en
dc.subject American hybrid model en
dc.subject Politicised bureaucracy model en
dc.subject Political appointments en
dc.subject Public functionaries en
dc.subject South African public service en
dc.subject.lcsh Public officers en
dc.subject.lcsh Public administration -- South Africa en
dc.title Separation of politics from the South African public service : rhetoric or reality? en
dc.type Article en

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