Perspective of proposed Joubert Park flats

Show simple item record Fassler, John (1910-1971) 2015-07-09T07:05:28Z 2015-07-09T07:05:28Z 1934 1934
dc.description A rendition of the first duplex flats proposed for Johannesburg. Designed by Martienssen, Fassler & Cooke, they were ingeniously planned and foreshadowed many of the elevational characteristics which were later developed in the design of the facades of flat buildings in the city. At the time they proved to be too avant garde for the clients who abandoned the project. Condition: good. en_ZA
dc.format.extent 49.0 x 40.0 inside mount en_ZA
dc.format.medium Water colour en_ZA
dc.format.mimetype jpeg
dc.rights Digitised by the Department of Architecture, University of Pretoria. en_ZA
dc.subject Historical arts en_ZA
dc.subject Architecture, South Africa en_ZA
dc.subject Fassler, John en_ZA
dc.title Perspective of proposed Joubert Park flats en_ZA
dc.type Image en_ZA

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