1971 Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, Volume 38, 1971

1971 Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, Volume 38, 1971


Contentes Pages: Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, Vol 38, 1971


Volume 38: Number 1

Reproductive physiology and endocrinology of normal and habitually aborting angora goats Van Rensburg, SJ 1

Preliminary report on the golden hamster as a definitive host of Taenia solium Linnaeus, 1758 and Taenia saginata Goeze, 1782 Verster, A 63

Volume 38: Number 2

Cattle and Culicoides biting midges as possible overwintering hosts of bluetongue virus Nevill, EM 65

Mechanism of immunity to Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis (Buchanan, 1911) in mice using inactivated vaccine Cameron, CM & Engelbrecht, MM 73

Immunological and chemical characteristics of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis cell walls and protoplasm Cameron, CM & Purdom, MR 83

The toxic antigenic factors produced by Clostridium botulinum types C and D Jansen, BC 93

Evaluation of serological tests as criteria for immunity to staphylococcal skin infection in rabbits Cameron, CM 99

The pathological physiology of Gaigeria pachyscelis infestation Hart, RJ & Wagner, AM 111

Pneumocystosis in a domestic goat McConnell, EE, Basson, PA & Pienaar, JG 117

Volume 38: Number 3

Clinicopathological study on experimental Trypanosoma brucei infections in horses. Part 1. Development of clinically recognizable nervous symptoms in nagana-infected horses treated with subcurative doses of Antrypol and Berenil Neitz, WO & McCully, M 127

Clinicopathological study on experimental Trypanosoma brucei infections in horses. Part 2. Histopathological findings in the nervous system and other organs of treated and untreated horses reacting to nagana McCully, RM & Neitz, WO 141

The quantitative determination of the toxic factors produced by Clostridium botulinum (Van Ermengem, 1896) types C and D Jansen, BC 177

Studies on Dictyocaulus filaria. I. Modifications of laboratory procedures Anderson, PJ & Verster, A 181

Studies on Dictyocaulus filaria. II. Migration of the developmental stages in lambs Anderson, PJ & Verster, A 185

Studies on Dictyocaulus filaria. III. The migration of the immature stages applied to an anthelmintic test Reinecke, RK, Collins, HM & Anderson, PJ 191

Studies on Dictyocaulus filaria. IV. The morphogenesis of the parasitic stages in lambs Verster, A, Collins, HM & Anderson, PJ 199

Nasal acariasis in the chacma baboon, Papio ursinus Kerr, 1972 McConnell, EE, Basson, PA & Vos, VD 207

Laboratory investigations on the life-cycle of the Karoo paralysis tick (Ixodes rubicundus Neumann, 1904) Neitz, WO, Boughton, F & Walters, HS 215

Volume 38: Number 4

Herpes nodules in the lung of the African elephant, Loxodonta africana (Blumenbach, 1797) McCully, RM, Basson, PA, Pienaar, JG, Erasmus, BJ & Young, E 225

Tryptic activation of Clostridium botulinum type C toxin Jansen, BC & Knoetze, PC 237

Some parasitic and other natural diseases of the African elephant in the Kruger National Park Basson, PA, McCully, RM, Vos, VD, Young, E & Kruger, SP 239

Studies on South African cardiac glycosides. I. Isolation of toxic principles of Homeria glauca and observations on their chemical and pharmacological properties Naude, TW & Potgieter, DJJ 255

Recent Submissions

  • Basson, P.A.; McCully, R.M.; De Vos, Valerius; Young, E.; Kruger, S.P.; South Africa. Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services; De Lange, M.; Reinecke, R.K.; Walker, Jane B.; De Kock, V.E.; Howell, P.G. (Pretoria : Government Printer, 1971)
    Detailed descriptions are given of the lesions encountered at autopsy on a random selection of 32 free-living African elephants [Loxodonta africana (Blumenbach, 1797)]. Lymphoid nodules with inclusion bearing syncytia ...
  • McCully, R.M.; Neitz, W.O.; South Africa. Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services; De Lange, M.; Reinecke, R.K.; Walker, Jane B.; De Kock, V.E.; Howell, P.G. (Pretoria : Government Printer, 1971)
    A detailed description of the histopathology of the nervous system and a brief account of lesions in visceral and other organs of six horses experimentally infected with Trypanosoma brucei Plimmer & Bradford, 1899 is ...
  • Neitz, W.O.; McCully, R.M.; South Africa. Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services; De Lange, M.; Reinecke, R.K.; Walker, Jane B.; De Kock, V.E.; Howell, P.G. (Pretoria : Government Printer, 1971)
    Studies on the pathogenesis and symptomatology of the acute and chronic forms of human sleeping sickness and those appearing in equine nagana caused by Trypanosoma brucei Plimmer & Bradford, 1899 are given. In man the ...
  • Naude, T.W.; Potgieter, D.J.J.; South Africa. Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services; De Lange, M.; Reinecke, R.K.; Walker, Jane B.; De Kock, V.E.; Howell, P.G. (Pretoria : Government Printer, 1971)
    The main toxic principle (1α, 2α-epoxyscillirosidin, a new bufadienolide cardiac aglycone) was isolated by very mild isolation techniques constantly correlated with semi-quantitative toxicity determinations in ...
  • Verster, Anna; Collins, H. Maria; Anderson, P.J.S.; South Africa. Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services; De Lange, M.; Reinecke, R.K.; Walker, Jane B.; De Kock, V.E.; Howell, P.G. (Pretoria : Government Printer, 1971)
    In males the parasitic 3rd stage, 3rd moult, 4th stage, 4th moult and 5th stage are reached on Days 1 to 2, 3, 4, 5 to 6 and 8 respectively. The 4th stage is swollen in the anal region and accessory genitalia differentiate ...
  • Anderson, P.J.S.; Verster, Anna; South Africa. Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services; De Lange, M.; Reinecke, R.K.; Walker, Jane B.; De Kock, V.E.; Howell, P.G. (Pretoria : Government Printer, 1971)
    Techniques used in a study of the life-cycle of Dictyocaulus filaria (Rudolphi, 1809) are described. First stage larvae migrate from faecal pellets placed in water. Infective larvae are cultured in clean water at room ...
  • Jansen, B.C.; South Africa. Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services; De Lange, M.; Reinecke, R.K.; Walker, Jane B.; De Kock, V.E.; Howell, P.G. (Pretoria : Government Printer, 1971)
    The Lf values of the C₁, C₂ and D factors produced by Clostridium botulinum types C and D were compared with the results of in vivo quantitative tests. It was found that the flocculation test is a reliable method of ...
  • McConnell, E.E.; Basson, P.A.; De Vos, Valerius; South Africa. Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services; De Lange, M.; Reinecke, R.K.; Walker, Jane B.; De Kock, V.E.; Howell, P.G. (Pretoria : Government Printer, 1971)
    Mature specimens of Rhinophaga papionis Fain, 1955 were observed exclusively in the maxillary recesses of 29 of 31 chacma baboons (93,6%). They stimulated the formation of inflammatory polyps, which in some cases almost ...
  • McConnell, E.E.; Basson, P.A.; Pienaar, J.G.; South Africa. Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services; De Lange, M.; Reinecke, R.K.; Walker, Jane B.; De Kock, V.E.; Howell, P.G. (Pretoria : Government Printer, 1971)
    A fatal case of an infection by the parasite, Pneumocystis carinii Delanoë & Delanoë, 1914, is described in a young domestic goat. The disease was manifested as a severe diffuse interstitial pneumonitis accompanied by ...
  • Reinecke, R.K.; Collins, H. Maria; Anderson, P.J.S.; South Africa. Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services; De Lange, M.; Reinecke, R.K.; Walker, Jane B.; De Kock, V.E.; Howell, P.G. (Pretoria : Government Printer, 1971)
    The larvae of Dictyocaulus filaria (Rudolphi, 1809) develop to the 5th stage in the mesenteric lymph nodes within 6 to 8 days of infestation. The migration of the 5th stage to the lungs commences on the 7th or 8th day ...
  • Hart, R.J.; Wagner, Adriana M.; South Africa. Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services; De Lange, M.; Reinecke, R.K.; Walker, Jane B.; De Kock, V.E.; Howell, P.G. (Pretoria : Government Printer, 1971)
    In two experiments, sheep under controlled conditions were artificially infested with the hookworm Gaigeria pachyscelis Railliet & Henry, 1910. The effects of the helminth infestation on the host's metabolism were monitored ...
  • Jansen, B.C.; Knoetze, P.C.; South Africa. Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services; De Lange, M.; Reinecke, R.K.; Walker, Jane B.; De Kock, V.E.; Howell, P.G. (Pretoria : Government Printer, 1971)
    The toxicity of factor C₂ produced by C. botulinum type C ᵦ is increased by exposure to 0,1% trypsin at pH 7,5 for 30 minutes. If the tryptic action is allowed to continue at pH 7,5 at room temperature, destruction of ...
  • McCully, R.M.; Basson, P.A.; Pienaar, J.G.; Erasmus, B.J.; Young, E.; South Africa. Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services; De Lange, M.; Reinecke, R.K.; Walker, Jane B.; De Kock, V.E.; Howell, P.G. (Pretoria : Government Printer, 1971)
    Lymphoid nodules associated with Cowdry Type A intranuclear inclusions in epithelial and syncytial cells were found in the lungs of 74% of 50 African elephants in the Kruger National Park. Subsequent studies proved ...
  • Cameron, Colin McKenzie; Purdom, Mary R.; South Africa. Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services; De Lange, M.; Reinecke, R.K.; Walker, Jane B.; De Kock, V.E.; Howell, P.G. (Pretoria : Government Printer, 1971)
    Successive extraction of purified Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis cell walls with ether: ethanol, cold and hot trichloroacetic acid and crystalline trypsin did not destroy their immunizing potency. Cell walls were not ...
  • Cameron, Colin McKenzie; Engelbrecht, Maria M.; South Africa. Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services; De Lange, M.; Reinecke, R.K.; Walker, Jane B.; De Kock, V.E.; Howell, P.G. (Pretoria : Government Printer, 1971)
    Mice can be passively protected against infection with Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis with hyperimmune rabbit serum prepared against whole bacterial cells. The mechanism of immunity depends on the inhibition of ...
  • Verster, Anna; South Africa. Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services; De Lange, M.; Reinecke, R.K.; Walker, Jane B.; De Kock, V.E.; Howell, P.G. (Pretoria : Government Printer, 1971)
    Injections of an immunosuppressant drug, methyl prednisolone acetate, increase the susceptibility of golden hamsters to the adult stage of Taenia solium Linnaeus, 1758. At dosage rates of 10, 5, 2 and 1 mg per week, ...
  • Jansen, B.C.; South Africa. Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services; De Lange, M.; Reinecke, R.K.; Walker, Jane B.; De Kock, V.E.; Howell, P.G. (Pretoria : Government Printer, 1971)
    The toxic factors produced by Clostridium botulinum (Van Ermengem, 1896), types C and D were determined. Monospecific antisera were prepared against the different factors. It was shown that type Cα produces factors C₁ ...
  • Neitz, W.O.; Boughton, F.; Walters, H.S.; South Africa. Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services; De Lange, M.; Reinecke, R.K.; Walker, Jane B.; De Kock, V.E.; Howell, P.G. (Pretoria : Government Printer, 1971)
    Detailed data on the rearing of three groups of Ixodes rubicundus ticks at different temperature and humidity levels are presented in a series of tables and figures. The differences between the life-spans are seen to be ...
  • Anderson, P.J.S.; Verster, Anna; South Africa. Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services; De Lange, M.; Reinecke, R.K.; Walker, Jane B.; De Kock, V.E.; Howell, P.G. (Pretoria : Government Printer, 1971)
    Developmental stages of Dictyocaulus filaria (Rudolphi, 1809) were recovered from the right colic mesenteric lymph nodes of lambs 18 hours after infestation . The majority of the parasites remain in the lymph nodes until ...
  • Cameron, Colin McKenzie; South Africa. Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services; De Lange, M.; Reinecke, R.K.; Walker, Jane B.; De Kock, V.E.; Howell, P.G. (Pretoria : Government Printer, 1971)
    Rabbits immunized with killed whole culture vaccine, bacteria alone or bacteria plus toxoid, were markedly more resistant to skin infection than control rabbits. However, the degree of immunity was not related to the ...

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