Paper presented at the 33rd Annual Southern African Transport Conference 7-10 July 2014 "Leading Transport into the Future", CSIR International Convention Centre, Pretoria, South Africa.
Trenches are regularly opened and reinstated in the road reserve by various utility companies. However, the knowledge of such utility companies regarding pavement materials and trench reinstatements can be inadequate. This paper has been written to assist the trench contractor and utility company in doing proper trench reinstatement in the road reserve. It is not suited to trench reinstatement in the road pavement. It synthesises road materials and construction knowledge and testing procedures to ensure trench reinstatement will meet end use and outcome requirements. Aspects such as soil and material knowledge, soil moisture estimation, compaction technique and measurement of bearing capacity have been re-packaged in plain English language to guide a non-road engineering person towards an acceptable and easily measurable outcome. Material description and moisture estimation are done using reliable visual description guidelines. Densification and bearing capacity achievement are guided without measuring actual density, but using instead the Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) or purpose developed Rapid Compaction Control Device (RCCD). A process and evaluation sheet is presented for quality control which is presented in a simplified format yet backed up by complex technical background information.