Since the early 90’s, globalisation has become a universal slogan in almost all
aspects of human endeavours ranging from politics, commerce, economy
and public governance. Globalisation has given countries and regions
of the world opportunities to play a role on the world stage. This has placed a
major demand on the local, national and regional public policy decision-making
processes. In response to these demands, there is a need to establish linkages
between some major public policy decision-making theories in managing
the globalisation process. As different management paradigms are applied in
every decision made in the public and private sector institutions, the public
policy decision-making theories being considered in this article range from
comprehensive rationality, disjointed incrementalism to mixed scanning. Each of
these theories represents an explanation of what is or what ought to be the best
method of policy decision-making in managing globalisation. As public policy
decision-making at all levels of government do not operate in a vacuum, the article
encourages policy-makers and scholars alike to always look at the bigger picture in
their efforts towards determining appropriate delivery strategies that could have a
positive impact on policy decision-making in the present globalisation era.