The construct equivalence of the PIB / SpEEx Motivation Index for job applicants from diverse cultural backgrounds

Show simple item record Schaap, Pieter Basson, Johan Schutte 2008-02-15T09:03:02Z 2008-02-15T09:03:02Z 2003
dc.description.abstract ABSTRACT: The aim of the study was to determine the construct equivalence of the PIB/SpEEx Motivation Index for entry-level job applicants from diverse cultural backgrounds in the public safety and security sector in South Africa. The use of psychometric instruments in South Africa has been criticized because it is said that they are largely based on the values and knowledge of White minority groups and are construct bias and are less valid for other cultural groups. In this study a Black, Asian and White group were included to determine the intercultural equivalence of the internal locus of control and external locus of control constructs underlying the PIB/SpEEx Motivation Index. The results indicate that the constructs of the PIB/SpEEx Motivation Index are not biased and are therefore equivalent for the groups included in the study. OPSOMMING: Die doel van die studie was om die konstrukgelykwaardigheid van die PIB/SpEEx Motiveringsindeks vir kultureel diverse groepe toetree-applikante in die openbare veiligheidsektor te bepaal. Die algemeenste kritiek teen die gebruik van psigometriese meetinstrumente in Suid-Afrika is dat dit gebaseer is op Blanke waardes en kennis en dat dit gevolglik konstruksydig en minder geldig is vir ander kultuurgroepe. In hierdie studie is Swart, Asiër en Blanke groepe gebruik in die bepaling van die interkulturele gelykwaardigheid van die interne en die eksterne lokus van beheer konstrukte onderliggend aan die PIB/SpEEx Motiveringsindeks. Die resultate toon dat die PIB/SpEEx Motiveringsindeks nie sydig meet nie en dat die konstrukte dus gelykwaardig is vir die verskillende kultuurgroepe. en
dc.format.extent 402261 bytes
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.identifier.citation Schaap, P & Basson, JS 2003, 'The construct equivalence of the PIB / SpEEx Motivation Index for job applicants from diverse cultural backgrounds', SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 49-59. [] en
dc.identifier.issn 0258-5200
dc.language.iso en en
dc.publisher OpenJournals en
dc.rights OpenJournals en
dc.subject PIB/SpEEx Motivation Index en
dc.subject PIB/SpEEx Motiveringsindeks af
dc.subject Diverse cultural groups en
dc.subject Kultureel diverse groepe af
dc.subject.lcsh Employment tests en
dc.subject.lcsh Diversity in the workplace en
dc.title The construct equivalence of the PIB / SpEEx Motivation Index for job applicants from diverse cultural backgrounds en
dc.type Article en

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