"Afschrift Brieven van een Arnhemschen Vluchteling", the letter starts with telling of W.L. Van Dijk, G. de Konig and A.M.M. Puthaar who were shot by the Germans on 14 September 1944.
17 photographs or newspaper clippings of Juliana on her holiday in Beiren. Wilhelmina took Juliana on this holiday after she finished her studies at the University of Leiden in 1930
Juliana and her family (Mother Queen Wilhelmina, Father Prince Hendrik and Grandmother Emma) had an official state visit to Den Haag on 18 January 1930
Three booklets with the same text but different covers. The booklets were made for the Dutch to be able to help the Allies when they liberate the Netherlands. The covers were made to fool the Germans.
Edition 24. The journal was dropped by the RAF over the Netherlands during the Second World War. This final edition of "De Wervelwind" was larger and handed out after the liberation of the Netherlands. The main theme of ...
Special extra edition on Queensday 1942. The journal was dropped by the RAF over the Netherlands during the Second World War. Propaganda number H20. Letter fom Bokhorst (Editior) to Beelaerts in back