A complement fixation test, using round-bottomed microtitration plates and an 8 channel microdiluter, based on that used for brucellosis by Herr, Huchzermeyer, Te Brugge, Williamson, Roos & Schiele, 1985, has been developed for use on the sera of horses to detect antibodies to the contagious equine metritis organism. The results with 2 known positive sera tested 116 times in 27 separate tests were reproducible for the most part within a two fold range. They seldom exceeded these limits and never exceeded a fourfold range. The test itself is capable of being carried out within 90 min. The test was slightly more sensitive when sera were inactivated in a hot air oven for 50 min at 58 °C, as compared to inactivation at 62 °C in a water-bath for 50 min. There were no false negative or false positive reactions and no anticomplementary activity in the sera tested.