This study agrees that the creation of SEZs in Côte d'Ivoire is a good strategy to attract FDI, promote transfer of technology and develop the trade capacity of the country. It has the positive effect of contributing to improve the performance of the domestic industry. Besides, the new industries will create job opportunities and produce a sustainable economic growth.
However, the fact that Côte d'Ivoire is party to RTAs in the sub-region like WAEMU and ECOWAS frameworks reduces the potential export market within the region for the SEZs based companies. In addition, the investors in SEZs could be faced with trade barriers induced by the divergent trade rules under RTAs. That could make the would-be investors reluctant to invest in Côte d'Ivoire, and induce them to choose another country to invest in.
In the light of the need for investors to deal with clear and predictable rules, this investigation argues that the multiplicity of regional and divergent regulations governing goods from SEZs could be source of confusion and concerns, and eventually, it could impact negatively on SEZs programmes implementation in Côte d'Ivoire.