We introduce a new framework of generalized operators to handle vector valued distributions, intertwined evolution operators of B-evolution equations and Fokker Planck type evolution equations. Generalized operators capture these operators. The framework is a marriage between vector valued distribution theory and abstract harmonic analysis: a new convolution algebra is the offspring. The new algebra shows that convolution is more fundamental than operator composition. The framework is complete with a Hille-Yosida theorem for implicit evolution equations for generalized operators.
Feller semigroups and processes fit perfectly into the framework of generalized operators. Feller semigroups are intertwined by the Chapman Kolmogorov equation. Our framework handles more complex intertwinements which naturally arise from a dynamic boundary approach to an absorbing barrier of a fly trap model: we construct an entwined pseudo Poisson process which is a pair of stochastic processes entwined by the extended Chapman Kolmogorov equation. Similarly, we introduce the idea of an entwined Brownian motion. We show that the diffusion equation of an entwined Brownian motion involves an implicit evolution equation on a suitable scalar test space. We end off by constructing a new convolution of operator valued measures which generalizes the convolution of Feller convolution semigroups.