This article proposes a ‘fusion of horizons’ in constructing urban public theologies in South
Africa. This is done through the introduction of five interrelated themes that have emerged
from the on-going knowledge and idea production by a distinguishable counterpoint in
contemporary scholarly, intellectual and activist engagement with the urban, in the authors’
own South African context but also wider internationally. In advancing a praxis-agenda for
urban public theology, the authors subsequently identify the following, albeit not exhaustive,
themes: southern urbanisms and the factor of unprecedented urban migration; ‘right to the
city’ and urbanisation from below; a reclaiming of the commons; the making of ‘good cities’;
and actors of faith in relation to urban social life.
This article constitutes the
second introductory article
to the special collection on
‘Doing urban public theology
in South Africa: Visions,
approaches, themes and
practices towards a new
agenda’ in HTS Teologiese
Studies/Theological Studies
Volume 70, Issue 3, 2014.