Optimal nutrition knowledge is necessary for healthy dietary
behaviours to occur. Nutrition knowledge, attitudes and dietary practices (KAP) scores for
learners have been variously reported in literature, however with little or no information on
how the nutrition KAP status of teachers impart on learners. The study aimed to assess the
nutrition KAP status of learners and of teachers in order to ascertain the impact and transfer
of nutrition information from teachers to learners. The results suggest that teachers’ high
nutrition knowledge and attitudes status have not been effectively impacted on learners.
It also suggests a need to improve or modify methods of nutrition information delivery by
teachers in a way to improve learners’ dietary behaviours.
This paper was initially
delivered at the Faculty of
Education and Department of
Physiology at the University
of Pretoria, Groenkloof
Campus, South Africa on
16 October 2013.