Coetzer, Jacobus A.W.; Schultz, R.A. (Rowena Anitra); Kellerman, T. Stephanus; Naude, T.W.; Steyn, P.J.J.; Bigalke, R.D.; Cameron, Colin McKenzie; Gilchrist, Frances M.C.; Jordaan, E.; Morren, A.J.; Verster, Anna J.M.; Verwoerd, Daniel Wynand; Walker, Jane B.
(Published by The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1982)
Fluoroacetate was dosed per stomach tube to 17 Merino sheep at the rate of 0,05 - 1,0 mg/kg/day. The clinical signs, haemodynamic changes, chemical pathology and pathology of acute, subacute and chronically intoxicated ...