Exploring the potential of the process drama convention of dramatised poetry to enhance anger-management skills in adolescent girls

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dc.contributor.author Van den Berg, Celia
dc.contributor.author Coetzee, Marie-Heleen
dc.contributor.author Munro, Marth
dc.date.accessioned 2014-12-11T08:11:15Z
dc.date.available 2014-12-11T08:11:15Z
dc.date.issued 2014
dc.description.abstract This article investigates the way the methodology of process drama, and specifically the convention of dramatised poetry, can enhance the anger-management skills of adolescent girls. The article presents findings from a recent study that set out to teach anger-management skills to adolescent girls using process drama conventions. The argument explores the notion of process drama propounded by the prominent applied drama scholar Cecily O’Neill (1995) and the applicability of this methodology for stimulating the perception, awareness and identification of various forms of anger as prerequisites to anger management in adolescent girls. As the adolescent girl finds herself at the crossroads of childhood and adulthood, emotions of frustration and anger towards parents and peer groups often surface. It is therefore beneficial for her to be empowered with the insight and skills required to identify and manage her anger. The fictitious world within process drama creates a safe space where sensitive issues can be explored without uncovering personal issues. Poetry is, in many instances, loaded with emotional content and can therefore be used as a vehicle for considering emotional issues that would otherwise not be possible. This article therefore reports on a multidiscipline research project, namely the dramatisation of poetry, as a convention of the methodology of process drama, to enhance anger management, as an emotional competence in the 14- to 15-year-old adolescent girl. en_ZA
dc.description.embargo 2016-05-30 en_ZA
dc.description.librarian hj2014 en_ZA
dc.description.uri http://www.tandfonline.comtoc/rthj20 en_ZA
dc.identifier.citation Van den Berg, C, Coetzee, MH & Munro, M 2014, 'Exploring the potential of the process drama convention of dramatised poetry to enhance anger-management skills in adolescent girls', South African Theatre Journal, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 222-235. en_ZA
dc.identifier.issn 1013-7548
dc.identifier.other 10.1080/10137548.2014.910966
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/2263/42940
dc.language.iso en en_ZA
dc.publisher Routledge en_ZA
dc.rights © 2014 Taylor and Francis. This is an electronic version of an article published in South African Theatre Journal, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 222-235, 2014. doi : 10.1080/10137548.2014.910966. South African Theatre Journal is available online at : http://www.tandfonline.comtoc/rthj20. en_ZA
dc.subject Process drama en_ZA
dc.subject Dramatised poetry en_ZA
dc.subject Emotional intelligence en_ZA
dc.subject Anger-management en_ZA
dc.subject Adolescent girls en_ZA
dc.title Exploring the potential of the process drama convention of dramatised poetry to enhance anger-management skills in adolescent girls en_ZA
dc.type Postprint Article en_ZA

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