To answer the question on what a Post-dogmatic Dogmatics entail, Veldsman sketched a Typology – consisting of five types - of what Systematic Theologians and Ethicists do. It is a typology – presented as a spectrum - that ranges from Unreflective Repeaters to Radical Contemporizers. He added to the Typology model a further five Reflective Trends to give content to what these various types of scholars may actually be involved with.
From his description of the Reflective Trends on the international scene he turned to the South African systematic-ethical academic scene, highlighting the most important research themes of the various Departments / Schools where Systematic Theology / Ethics are taught. He subsequently turned to the Department of Dogmatics and Christian Ethics at the Faculty of Theology at the University of Pretoria – highlighting the specific research contribution of each of the five members of the Department against the background of the Departmental Vision, Values and Objectives.
Hy het uitgebrei op sy betrokke navorsingsbydrae wat hy omskrywe het as die her-konseptualisering van religieuse ervaring vanuit evolusionêre perspektiewe met sy besondere toespitsing op die affektief-kognitiewe dimensie van persoonwees. Interessant daarby is veral sy beklemtoning van die saamlees van: Geen Evolusie, Geen Ervaring, Geen Godsdiens.
In sy konklusie waarin hy ‘n post-dogmatiese Dogmatiek hermeneuties meer uitgebreid as ‘n spesifieke houding omskrywe, veral in beklemtoning van ervaring as vertrekpunt en die onvermydelik rol van die affektiewe, wys hy ook op enkele belangrike tekortkominge en uitdaginge wat beslis aangespreek sal moet word in die nabye toekoms deur Sistematiese Teoloë en Etici in die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing.
Inaugural address and photo of Prof. Daniel Veldsman, Department of Dogmatics and Christian Ethics, 1 October 2014