The article explores the advances in the human resource development legislative environment emanating from the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 (Act 108 of 1996) (Constitution, 1996). The Constitution, 1996, calls for a public service that is development-orientated, one that is characterised by good human resource and career management practices. The purpose of the article is to provide an indication of the impact that the growth in human resource development policies have had on the creation of the learning organisation. Emanating from the constitutional obligations, the Department of Public Service and Administration has paid particular attention to drafting and implementing legislation and policies that would facilitate human resource development. The White Paper on Human Resource Management in the Public Service, 1997 made provision for a paradigm shift away from personnel administration to human resource management. Subsequently, much emphasis have been placed on determining and facilitating human resource development through skills development and human resource development strategies. Specific mention is made of the role of the Human Resource Development Strategy 2001-2006 proposed and compiled by the Department of Public Service and Administration. A discussion on the challenges in creating a public learning organisation conclude this article.