Surveying commentaries and introductions to the Johannine epistles reveals a multiplicity of
methodology with regard to the structure of the epistles. Proposals have generally emphasised
characteristics of content (doctrine and paraenesis), style (antithesis and repetition) or outline
divisions. If the intent of the author is connected to the structure of the text, commentaries
and introductions may not adequately discern the authorial intent. The lack of agreement
amongst commentators as to the division of the First Epistle of John has resulted in numerous
interpretative conclusions. As a consequence of difficulty in ascertaining the structure of the
text, interpretations are frequently formulated upon theological persuasions and historical
reconstruction. The purpose of the article is to overcome such persuasions and reconstructions.
Dr Ron J. Bigalke is a
research associate and
was a doctoral student of
Prof. Dr Jacobus (Kobus)
Kok in the Department of
New Testament Studies,
University of Pretoria. His
article represents a reworked
version of aspects from the
approved PhD dissertation
(University of Pretoria,
April 2013), with Prof. Kok
as supervisor. (http://hdl.handle.net/2263/33000)