The helminths of the following red duikers, Cephalophus natalensis, were examined: 24 from 3 game reserves in Natal and 1 that had originated from Charters Creek, Natal, shortly before it died in the National Zoological Gardens, Pretoria. The 21 animals from Charters Creek harboured 16 nematode
species, a nematode genus, 2 cestode species and paramphistomes. The 2 red duiker from Fanies
Island harboured 4 nematode species, 3 nematode genera and 1 cestode species, while the single red
duiker from Ndumu was infected with 3 nematode species. The antelope from the National Zoological Gardens, Pretoria, harboured 2 nematode species, 1 nematode genus and 1 cestode species. A race of Cooperia rotundispiculum was the most abundant nematode in duikers from all the
reserves. Hyostrongylus rubidus is a new parasite record in South Africa and in red duikers, and was
present in 80% of the antelope. Although primarily a parasite of swine, Hyostrongylus rubidus should
be regarded as a definitive parasite of these antelope.