Seven batches of 25% water-phase, oil-in-water vaccine were prepared from whole cultures of Tritrichomonas foetus. Two inoculations were given, spaced 6 weeks apart, to virgin heifers and infected bulls. A significant reduction (P < 0,01) in the duration of infection in vaccinated heifers was seen when they were challenged by being bred to a bull infected with the same isolate as that contained in the vaccine. Only 1/12 vaccinated heifers were pregnant 4,5 months after the end of the breeding season compared to 2/12 in the control group. The vaccine, therefore, has no practical advantage. Vaccine was supplied to 2 724 bulls on properties where the infection was present. From these bulls, 110 reliable results were obtained, where bulls had been infected, been inoculated and tested 1 month later. No curative effect was demonstrable with 69/110 (62,7%) bulls, remaining infected after the course of inoculations. There was also no difference between vaccine batches or between bulls of different ages. Further work on improving the vaccine is indicated. Three media suitable for the culture of T. foetus are described in detail.