While contract archaeology has played a significant role in South Africa, a number of
ethical concerns have become evident over the years. How enabling are the legal
frameworks to contract archaeologists? Whose interest are contract archaeologists
serving? How well do they consult affected parties in their work? How well do they
communicate their findings, with their colleagues and the public at large? What, if
any, has been the role of contract archaeologists in the transformation of South African
archaeology? How effective is the current accreditation system run by the Association
of Southern African Professional Archaeologists (ASAPA) for contract archaeology in
ensuring that specialists operate within fields in which they are experienced? This
paper addresses these concerns, focusing on the ethical elements relating to contract
archaeology. The aim is to illustrate that while current legislation may have gone some
way toward promoting the inclusion of previously excluded communities in the
management of heritage resources membership of professional bodies by contract
archaeologists still does not best enhance this. ASAPA’s failure to ensure that all its
members abide by its code of conduct is a cause for concern and it should take steps to
improve this situation.