This research entailed an ethnographic study that sought assets and resources to enrich pre-school learning in a community challenged by poverty. The aim of this research was to identify personal and environmental assets that could be used to enrich pre-school learning within this context - instead of focusing on needs and deficiencies. The assets included objects and artefacts that could be used for pre-school learning. Observations, field notes, interviews, photographs and artefacts were used to study the community while participating as a member of the community. Numerous assets were identified. Seven main themes were derived from a collective summary of data. The main themes were: children, culture, man-made products, the natural environment, local institutions and citizens' associations, crafts and caretakers. The themes were expanded into categories and subcategories. The results of this research study suggest that this particular community is rich with potential, opportunities and material to enrich the pre-school learning of children.