1. Remounts for South Africa and what is required of them when there -- 2. Hints for improvement in the management and comfort of horses at sea -- 3. Various methods of buying remounts in South Africa and elsewhere -- 4. The treatment of captured and derelict horse stock -- 5. The early and middle days of the remounts in South Africa -- 6. The rapid development and expansion of the remount depots in South Africa -- 7. Remount farms and depots as they now are, or ought to be -- 8. The rough riding and breaking department at the Stellenbosch Depot, in comparison with present arrangements -- 9. Horses from foreign countries imported into South Africa for war purposes, also including the South African -- 10. How the system of commandeering is practised in South Africa -- 11. The mounted infantry pony, and the organization of Government breeding and training farms -- 12. Matters respectfully suggested for consideration when re-organizing the Remount Department -- Extracts from an article written by Captain J.J. Pitman, 11th Hussars, that appeared in the "Badminton Magazine" confirming many of the Author's statements -- Certificates of service, also extracts of letters to Sydney Galvayne -- Testimonials and press opinions.