This article recounts the genesis, growth and turbulent events that accompanied the
compilation of the Eiwanika ly'Olusoga, that is, the Monolingual Lusoga Dictionary. Contrasting
academia with the trade, legacy with state-of the-art dictionary compilation software, high praise
and visibility with daily and down-to-earth drudgery, it recounts the events chronologically, from
humble to grand, from paper to digital, from success to insignificance, and leads to a set of highly
realistic proposals to be considered by all those involved in the compilation of explanatory dictionaries
for the African languages.
Olupapula luno lwandhula obuzibu
obwekulungila mu kuwandiika Eiwanika ly'Olusoga. Ebizibu ebyalimu bigelaagelanhizibwa n'ebyo
ebitela okwagwanibwa mu kweyunila ebyetaago by'emisomo, eby'obusuubuzi ni mu mitegeko
egitela okukozesebwa mu kuwandiika amawanika. Ebyetaago ebili mu mitendela gino gyonsatule
biweebwa okulaga nti, okutendelezebwa okwandibaile kugwaniile okuweebwa omulimu ogw'ekika
kino tikufunibwa. Omutindo ogulowoozebwa nti guteebwawo abandi kwe bayinza okusinziila
gubuusibwabuusibwa bw'ogugelaagelanhia n'ebizibu ebigwetooloile mu bulamu obwa buliidho.
Olulapula luno lukulaga nti, okuwandiika kwa Eiwanika ly'Olusoga okw'atandiikila mu mbeela
ennafu, kw'asobolwa okutumbulwa okutuusibwa ku mutindo gw'amawanika agandi mu nsi yoonayoona.
Obuvumu bw'enkola eyo, bw'asobozesa eiwanika lino okuva mu mbeela y'ekitabo ekigemebwaku
okwizibwa mu mbeela y'omutegekowaziso ogusomwa ku kompyuta. Ebyafaayo ebiweebwa
mu lupapula luno bigendelela kuwa kyakubonelaku eli abo abandyenze okugelaagelanhia ebisoboka
n'ebitasoboka mu kuwandiika amawanika mu nnimi dha Africa enzaalilanwa.