The pupae of Culicoides exspectator Clastrier, C. kobae Cornet & Chateau, C. micheli Cornet & Chateau,
C. olyslageri Kremer & Nevill, C. ravus De Meillon and C. (Synhelea) tropicalis Kieffer are described
and illustrated for the first time, and the pupa of C. similis Carter, Ingram & Macfie is redescribed. All
seven species belong to the Similis supergroup; the immature stages of six are found in ground waters
while those of C. olyslageri occur in tree holes. A concise key is presented for differentiating the seven
species. Short notes on their larval habitats are given. Reference is made to C. accraensis Carter, Ingram
& Macfie, also found in tree holes.
Available data suggest that pupal morphology can be used to differentiate closely related species; group
characters also exist for those species within the Similis supergroup which can be used to separate
ground-water species from those utilizing tree holes. Indications are that the pupae are of limited help
in resolving the systematic subdivision of the Similis supergroup.