As chief justice of the Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek (ZAR) referred to in this article as the South African Republic, for approximately twenty years, J.G. Kotzé was in continuous contact with State President S.J.P. Kruger. His is an evaluation of Kruger by an individual from a completely different cultural and educational background. He describes both positive and negative incidents in his relations with Kruger and provides an interesting analysis and appreciation of Kruger's character.
As hoofregter van die Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek (ZAR) vir ongeveer twintig jaar was J.G. Kotzé in deurlopende kontak met Staatspresident S.J.P. Kruger in hierdie tydperk. Sy evaluering van Kruger is deur 'n individu van 'n totaal verskillende kulturele en opvoedkundige agtergrond. Hy beskrywe beide positiewe en negatiewe insidente in sy verhouding met Kruger en verskaf 'n interessante ontleding en beoordeling van Kruger se karakter.