A vegetation survey of natural woodland and grassland was undertaken in the urban areas of the Gauteng Province, where 7,3 million of the 38,5 million people of South Africa live. Relevés were compiled in 132 stratified random sample plots in selected open spaces in the study area. A TWINSPAN classification, refined by Braun-Blanquet procedures, indicated six woodland communities represented by 72 relevés, and eight grassland communities represented by 59 relevés. The identification, classification and description of these plant communities are important for the continued conservation of open spaces in the urban environment in order to integrate landscape ecological mapping and urban spatial planning processes. The study further recorded a high number of species. It indicated that the natural areas in the urban environment have a high conservation status and maintain a high species richness. This information could in future be used for further biodiversity studies in the Province. Species with low occurrence were specifically listed and can be used to inform "red data" status research initiatives.