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Health sciences articles SDG-01 (4)
Health sciences theses SDG-17 (4)
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) (4)
Hospitals (4)
Hypertension (4)
Information and communication technology (ICT) (4)
Lockdown (4)
Medical personnel (4)
Migration (4)
Mpumalanga (4)
Natives (4)
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) (4)
Nyaope (4)
Opioid dependence (4)
Physicians (4)
Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) (4)
Quality (4)
Rural health (4)
Sarcoma (4)
SDG-01: No poverty (4)
Skin diseases (4)
Snakebite (4)
Tuberculosis (4)
African (3)
Anxiety (3)
Autopsies (3)
Bachelor of Clinical Medical Practice (BCMP) (3)
Barriers (3)
Cape Town (3)
Chest pain (3)
Chronic (3)
Clinical trials (3)
Collaboration (3)
Community oriented primary care (COPC) (3)
Demographics (3)
Drug resistance (3)
Eczema (3)
Emergency (3)
Ethnicity (3)
Europeans (3)
Evidence for contraceptive options and HIV outcomes (ECHO) (3)
Family Medicine (3)
Female sex workers (FSW) (3)
Gauteng, South Africa (3)
Growth (3)
Health care (3)
Health professionals (3)
Health sciences theses SDG-10 (3)
Health services (3)
HIV (3)
HIV prevention (3)
HIV-1 (3)
Hospital (3)
Indians (3)
Infections (3)
Informed consent (3)
Intrauterine device (IUD) (3)
Johannesburg (3)
Leprosy (3)
Limpopo Province, South Africa (3)
Mental health (3)
Methadone (3)
Mpumalanga province, South Africa (3)
Palliative care (3)
Pathophysiology (3)
Patient compliance (3)
People living with HIV (PLHIV) (3)
People who use drugs (3)
Physician assistants (3)
Pneumonia (3)
Practice (3)
Pregnancy (3)
Prevention (3)
Primary health care -- South Africa (3)
Primary health care clinics (3)
Public health (3)
Questionnaire (3)
Race (3)
Research (3)
Respiratory diseases (3)